Wednesday 27 October 2010

Hi Doll.

The second photo shoot which we had planned to do for Book, was a shoot revolving around dolls. Our features editor, Natalie, mentioned that her Mum makes dolls so we asked to look at a few. They are amazing and all made from environmentally friendly materials. Natalie made them out to look like vodoo dolls or something off the Bride of Chucky, but they are so beautiful and original. I want all of them!

The dolls are perfect for Book as we didn't want to do two model shoots which would look very similar. To use the dolls also fit into the Frankenstein issue as they aren't alive and have been made to look like humans. We plan to name each doll after a famous model and lay the shoot into the magazine as a 'best of' different designers. They aren't for sale as of yet, as the price and name of the dolls is still being decided but as soon as Natalie has any more info I'll post it here so you can buy your own doll!

The photography was done by myself and Jenna (Creative Director) did the styling of the shoot.

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Lauren Moffat.

I was attempting to find inspiration for my Final Major Project idea development and came across this New York based designer on Style Bubble. I have never heard of her or seen her collections but my are they lovely.

The images aren't the best but you can still see her cutesy styles and texture driven pieces. I want. No wait. NEED that bobble hat and the swing coat at the bottom. Go here for her website.


It's all go with Uni work and working all weekend too so I am a rubbish blogger once again. I am going to bring my tripod up to Uni with me so I can try and post some outfits but to be honest, I'll probably forget and end up never posting an outfit again! Anyway I've been writing an article for our magazine - Book - and it is based on a reeeally cool illustrator called Niky Roehreke. Here she is...

The website is pretty good

Wednesday 13 October 2010

May I shoot you?

Yesterday was our photo shoot day for our Magazine - Book. We are basically in the process of producing a magazine called 'Book' which is a microniche magazine aimed at an audience of creatives, both nationally and internationally. The concept of the magazine is that each issue will be based on a book - hence the name 'Book'! We needed a first issue which will visually make an impact on those saturated shelves so our first issue is based on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Think eerie, spooky and gothic with a little bit of horror thrown in.

Our group were really pleased with the outcome of the shoot and we achieved the wanted eerie look to go with the magazine theme. I did the photography and think that these will be amazing for a portfolio. I still want to do some shoots with the use of professional lighting - as I'm not too good with that - so we have a studio shoot planned with some dolls which we are featuring in the magazine. The good thing about using dolls is that we don't have to give them orders, we just place them and snap! I will show these images when they are done. Hope you all like the shoot as much as I do!

Monday 4 October 2010

Back to being rubbish.

Hello again to my few followers and apologies for not posting in the last forever! I am back at Uni now and it's all go. I have a magazine project to complete in the next 6 weeks which has just been approved today in a Dragon's Den type presentation so we are going ahead with our Magazine. I will be updating you all with the photo shoots, visuals, features and illustrations we will be using for the magazine as I think you will all love it.

Whilst I'm being a Uni geek, have a look at this photographer called Ellen Rogers. Her photography is beautiful and she never uses digital cameras just film and a dark room. I love her antique take on photography and wish I had the resources to produce some Ellen Rogers style photography.

Click here to go to her amazing website.