Saturday, 10 July 2010

Packing. Yawn.

I've been running around Preston today grabbing some last minute needs (and wants!) for Benicassim. I needed a rucksack so I dragged my Dad with me as he likes to pay for practical things and then I dragged Mum round as she occasionally likes to pay for pretty things! I have begun to form a pile of things to pack on my bed but don't have the will to do anything until the last minute. I took a picture of what I am eventually going to pack...

Okay so there's quite a few toiletries here including sea salt spray for my unwashed hair and of course some good old dry shampoo. The electric blue bag on the left is from M&S and is from the Limited Collection. I saw it today and I really liked it which surprised me a little as I never buy bags from highstreet stores but I thought this will be perfect for my four festival nights next week. My ray bans are poking out of my bag and I can't wait to wear them. The grey hat I bought today from Topshop in the sale along with the bikini - both for £7! Anyhow this will be my last post until I get back from Benicassim so get ready for a LOT of photo posts/outfit posts/what I got up to posts. Adios!


  1. Have a great time! Love the hat x

  2. wow it looks like you have some great little bits
    the bag is lovely
    and from m&s! i never see anything nice in my local one
    belle xx
